With over 25 years in the industry, we have perfected our 5-Round Lawn Program. It includes everything your lawn needs to thrive throughout the season. Only 5 visits for the whole season, plus service calls if requested. All you need to do is follow the mowing and watering instructions below, that's it!
Watering Info
Cedar Tree's rule for watering is heavy and infrequently, water every 2-3 days for about 1 hour in each zone. You don't want to water too often, or you might oversaturate the lawn and risk a fungal disease. You may switch to daily watering during really hot, dry days during the Summer. We also recommend you try to water in the morning.
Mowing Info
Cedar Tree's rule for mowing is 3-4 inches tall, no less. We know some of you like mowing shorter, but there's more risk for stress on the lawn when it can't shade itself from the sun. You should never cut off more than 1/3 of the grass plant at a time, this can damage the plant and cause it to yellow.